Monthly Archives: December 2012

Monday December 31, 2012

New Year’s Eve Options Plenty to do for NYE 2013  Click Here for Details Seriously? Poll of most admired in the country cleaarly shows why we’re in trouble Click Here for Story Stifling Regulations Help Destroy Detroit Taxi service is … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show December 30, 2012

The Drift Radio Show December 30, 2012 Join Gary Wellings as we discuss the Fiscal Cliff, Marijuana legalization, Fracking for Natural Gas, Super PACs and whether economic prosperity promotes happiness.

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Sunday December 30, 2012

Abortionists Slam Snyder Governor signs concerning abortion clinics Click Here for Details Parker Seeks Appointment Don Parker wants to replace Jay Drick who had to resign Click Here for Story One Well Paid Hypocrite MASA Director complains about charter schools … Continue reading

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Friday December 28, 2012

New Emergency Manager Law Governor signs new EFM law Click Here for Details Martini Bar Succeeds Brighton’s Downtown Main Martini Bar and Grill thrives after making it through recession Click Here for Story How Will RTW Affect Schools? Existing contracts … Continue reading

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Thursday December 27, 2012

 First Storm of the Season Winter storm ices roads and causes accidents Click Here for Details Gun Fire Not Normal for Local Firefighters Plenty of risk for our bravest but not usually from guns Click Here for Story Things Government … Continue reading

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Wednesday December 26, 2012

Rogers Makes Impact Congressman Rogers helpful on Intelligence Committee Click Here for Details Looking Cliffy Legislators expect to go over the cliff Click Here for Story Legislators Puling Wool Over Our Eyes Many policiticians paly games with the laws just … Continue reading

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Monday December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve! Retailers Rejoice! Debt collectors …not so much Click Here for Story Helping Our Veterans Residents can purchase commemorative bricks to support Brighton veterans Click Here for Details The War on Christians Christianity close to extinction in the Middle … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show December 23, 2012

The Drift Radio Show December 23, 2012 Join Host Gary Wellings with guests Joe Vollmer and Pat Tavolacci as we discuss violence as an influence in society, the gun debate, mental health, the influence of our schools on children and … Continue reading

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Sunday December 23, 2012

Last Minute Shoping in Washtenaw Stores hoping to capitalize on last minute Christmas sales Click Here for Story Pistol Permit Requests Jump Livingston County sees jump in requests for Handgun licenses Click Here for Details Legislators Should be Applauded Michigan … Continue reading

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Friday December 21, 2012

End of the World? Or Just the Mayan Calendar? New Era is most likely what the Mayans meant Click Here for Story  Bye.. bye…bye Snyder signs slow death of Personal Property Tax over 10 years time Click Here for Details Green … Continue reading

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