Monthly Archives: December 2022

The News YOU Need to Know Saturday December 31, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Terrible Leader If Kamala Harris can’t lead her staff in a productive manner how will she be able to lead the country? Click Here for Story Maricopa Corruption Arizona’s most populated county couldn’t get anymore corrupt Click Here for Details … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Friday December 30, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

An Admission That It Was All for Show? January 6th Sham Committee formally withdraws subpoena of Donald Trump Click Here for Details Democrat Dark Money Playing Dirty Politics A Biden affiliated group is funded and ready to target any Republicans … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Thursday December 29, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

DC Hypocrites How dare Democrats whine about illegal immigrants being shipped to DC and other liberal sanctuary cities as Texas gets flooded Click Here for Story Courts Are Protecting The Theft of Elections Even blatant proof of stolen and rigged … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Wednesday December 28, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

The Stain That Is The FBI The corruption in the FBI will ruin its reputation forever is it past time to abolish the anti-American agency? Click Here for Story What’s the Real Issue Was the failed Red Wave the result … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday December 27, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

America Under Attack? Who is targeting power substations in the State of Washington? Click Here for Story The Lie of Global Warming More people die of cold in latest winter storm more than all “global warming” deaths in the 2022 … Continue reading

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The News You Need to Know Monday December 26, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Incompetent or Corrupt? Judge Peter Thompson asks for proof of election fraud and then ignores it when presented and disenfrachises Arizona voters Click Here for Story Scorpion Hunters? The odd hobby of American military personnel in Kuwait Click Here for … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Sunday December 25, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Merry Christmas to All! Five different Christmas traditions from around the world Click Here for Story Judges Are Also Corrupt in Arizona The rule of law no longer matters in the US? Click Here for Story The Big Growth State … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Saturday December 24, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Spending YOUR Money From The Comfort of Their Homes… Many Congressmembers bankrupting America without leaving home Click Here for Story Ray Epps: Why Isn’t He Arrested? More videos of Ray Epps causing January 6th Mayhem than anyone else and yet … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Friday December 23, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Spendaholics Schumer leads Congress on latest spending spree of your dollars Click Here for Story Sinema Says Yes to Bankrupting Spending Bill Senator Sinema isn’t so Independent as she sides with Democrat spending spree Click Here for Story Dollar Dilemma? … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Thursday December 22, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Not A Shoe In… Kevin McCarthy does not yet have a lock on the GOP House Speakership Click Here for Story The Big Chill Huge winter storm cutting across northern US before Christmas Click Here for Story How Michigan reps … Continue reading

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