Monthly Archives: February 2017

Wednesday March 1, 2017

Trump Wants to Cut State Dept Budget GOP disagrees but ask yourself what has a bloated State Dept to help the world or the US standing in it? Click Here for Story US is Subsidizing Terrorism?  GOP Senators say payments … Continue reading

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Tuesday February 28, 2017

Fat Tuesday Dems Push Illegals Senator Durbin and others bringing in illegal immigrants to Trump’s join session speech Click Here for Details See Beers of Michigan Winter Beer fest Unique names for unique beers Click Here for Story Time for Labor … Continue reading

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Monday February 27, 2017

Happy Birthday Margaret! Laughable New DNC head says Hillary could run again in 2020? Click Here for Story Vapor Intrusion? Michigan DEQ working to handle new gas vapor intrusions Click Here for Story Liberal Group Says Income Tax Cut Means … Continue reading

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Sunday February 26, 2017

If you missed The Drift Radio Show live catch it now on podcast Click Here for podcast DNC Picks Perez New Democratic National Committee picks Tom Perez to lead Click Here for Story and Video Detroit Television Loses Great Anchor Ron … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show February 25, 2017

The Drift Radio Show February 25, 2017 Join host Gary Wellings and Ed Bonderenka as they discuss with Ash Hampton how a teacher at Boyd Arthurs Middle in Trenton Michigan who exposed students to anti-Trump propaganda, fake news and mainstream … Continue reading

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Saturday February 25, 2017

Catch The Drift Radio Show Saturday at 2pm on WAAM Talk 1600 or live on the web at call in line 734-822-1600 to discuss news of the week Press Under Fire President hits fake news media again in CPAC … Continue reading

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Friday February 24, 2017

Missed Last Week’s Drift Radio Show? Catch it Now on Podcast Click Here  Bannon and Priebus Show Solid Front Hit back at the media at CPAC saying there are no divisions in Trump White House Click Here for Story The Stupidity … Continue reading

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Thursday February 23, 2017

Media Admits:  Its Job is to Control YOU?  Anchor Mika Brzeinski admits on live tv Click Here for Story and Video VA Whitsleblower Appeals to President Veterans Administration in Atlanta was planning to trash thousands of Veteran’s applications Click Here … Continue reading

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Wednesday February 21, 2017

 Draft a New Senator for Michigan  in 2018 Click Here for Info Trump Right Again As Swedish officials question Trump comments on immigrant violence immigrant riots break out…IN SWEDEN Click Here for Story Secretary Kelly Steps Up Issues memos concerning Trump … Continue reading

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Tuesday February 21, 2017

General McMaster Named as New National Security Advisor Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster will be his new national security adviser get nod to replace General Flynn Click Here for Story and Video   MSU Bows to PC Silliness Sudents no longer … Continue reading

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