Monthly Archives: September 2019

Tuesday October 1, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

The Coup Continues Democrats are trying to pull a coup to get rid of Trump Click Here for Details Government Pension Underfunding Threatens U.P. Hospital’s Future Reforms may have been too little too late; federal lifeline sought Look Who IS … Continue reading

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Monday September 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Quid Pro Joe Biden gets new label from Trump Campaign Click Here for Details Millionaires Eligible For Welfare? Proponents Of Rule Change Say It’s Technically Possible Critic calls system ‘completely divorced from the original congressional intent’ School Aid Budget Proposals … Continue reading

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Sunday September 29, 2019 The DailyDrift.Com

Karma?   Rep Schiff might get censured? Click Here for Details Not Pressured Ukraine President assures he was not pressured by Trump Click Here for Story and Video Finally? State Department investigating Clinton staffer emails Click Here for Details Beware, … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show September 28, 2019

The Drift Radio Show September 28, 2019 Join hosts Gary Wellings, Ed Bonderenka and Alex Wassell as they discuss the latest attempt by Democrats to Impeach the President, the Joe Biden Ukraine scandal and the deep state intel community trying … Continue reading

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Saturday September 28, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Join us on The Drift Radio Show at 1 pm Saturday on WAAM Talk 1600 call in line 734-822-1600 to discuss news of the week and insanity of the Deep State and Democrats Breaking NEWS: Deep State Prepped for Whistle … Continue reading

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Friday September 27, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

  Lying Schiff   Rep Adam Schiff twisting the wording and making up conversations instead of reading transcripts Click Here for Story  and video  Click Here for Details  Read the Full Text of Complaint Here Selective Favors to Companies Won’t … Continue reading

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Thursday September 26, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Take Guess Who the Whistle Blower Is? DOJ admits whistle blower is obviously partisan Click Here for Details But Wait There’s More… Democrats also asked Ukraine to investigate JUST LAST YEAR! Click Here for Story  link contributed by Joe Leonard … Continue reading

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Wednesday September 25, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Took the Bait? Dems move toward impeachment  Click Here for Story America First POTUS puts national interests above globalism in UN speech Click Here for Details and Here for the Speech Socialism in America   Chinese immigrant feels America is moving … Continue reading

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Tuesday September 24, 2019 The Daily Drift

Democrat Deep State Backfire Whistle blower incident is going to end hitting Joe Biden Click Here for Story Lying Zarif    Why does the world still listen to Iran’s Javad Zarif? Click Here for Details Tripling State’s 1,100 Wind Turbines … Continue reading

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Monday September 23, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Let Loose the Dogs… Senator Graham calls for Biden Ukraine investigation Click Here for Details Big Rains for Michigan Up to 3 inches for beginning of Fall in Michigan Click Here for Story The Best Gun Salesman Award NRA awards … Continue reading

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