Monthly Archives: August 2021

The News YOU Need to Know Wednesday September 1, 2021

Resignations Aren’t Enough Former Generals and Admirals call for Defense Secretary Austin and Gen Milley’s resignation over handling of Afghanistan Click Here for Story Miseducated: Michigan State University Won’t Follow the Science Will accept foreign vaccinated students but not those … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday August 31, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

They Knew??? Leaked intel seems to show the Pentagon had details in advance about the suicide attack that killed 13 US service personnel and did … nothing? Click Here for Story Ida Will Drive Up Gas Prices If they weren’t … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Monday August 30, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Not Supposed to Take Questions? What is going on with this Administration? Click Here for Story Out of Control Another attack in Kabul airport coming? Click Here for Story Ida Hits Coast Hurricane Ida set to landfall in Louisiana Click … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Sunday August 29, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Left Behind? No guarantees of escape for those Americans and allies left behind in Afghanistan? Click Here for Story Portland Chaos Antifa and Proud Boys clash on streets of Portland Click Here for Story Human Rights Abuse Official complaint files … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Saturday August 28, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Is the Border Next? Will the Biden open border policy allow terrorists to walk into the US? Click Here for Story Local United Way Raises Money For School Supplies State Already Must Provide With $6.1 billion in federal COVID funds … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Friday August 27, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

13 American Military Killed in Kabul Suicide bomber kills Americans and Afghans at airport entry Click Here for Details Corruption in Detroit? FBI raids offices of Detroit City Council Click Here for Details Traverse City’s Government Broadband Scheme Falling Short, … Continue reading

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The News You Need to Know Thursday August 26, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

DeSantis Is Right Providing Covid treatment centers is right and Fauci agrees? Click Here for Story Wokeness Costs New Orleans Saints are discovering the true cost of being “woke” Click Here for Story Grand Ledge Schools Get Heat For Hiring … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Wednesday August 25, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Spending Wish List Even Democrats admit the Infrastructure bill is a pork fest Click Here for Details Will This Be Another Hostage Crisis? Hundreds or thousands still at risk in Afghanistan Click Here for Details Illin Another Kamala Harris health … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday August 24, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Taliban Set Red Line Threaten consequences if US troops not gone by end of month Click Here for Story Germany Asks Russia for Help? With the US now unreliable Angela Merkel turns to Russia for help in Afghanistan? Click Here … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Monday August 23, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Sickening Taliban hold children hostage to get fathers to surrender Click Here for Story The Science of It All? Vaccinated people can still spread the Covid virus Click Here for Details Use Common Sense California… Get rid of Gavin Newsom … Continue reading

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