Monthly Archives: August 2018

Saturday September 1, 2018

Not Patriotic Movie omits planting of US flag on the moon Click Here for Story ‘Wild West’ Of Charter School Expansion Never Happened Unionized public school interests said a reform passed in 2011 would produce chaos Spending Interests Want Spending  … Continue reading

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Friday August 31, 2018

Enemy of the People POTUS pushes back against fake news media Click Here for Story Teacher Of The Year’s District Plays Games With Merit Pay Without performance-based compensation, the state’s best get no more than the rest School Boards Routinely … Continue reading

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Thursday August 30, 2018

Beans Begin to Spill Bruce Ohr names DOJ and FBI complicit in Steel Dossier Click Here for Details School Boards Routinely Violate Merit Pay Law Obama offered states grants to innovate, merit pay was Granholm’s response What Would it Mean … Continue reading

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Wednesday August 29, 2018

YES, You Are Being Suppressed and Manipulated  Google and other sites are giving preference to liberal site on search engines Click Here for Details CNN Proves It IS Fake News Lanny Davis admission of lie shows CNN is THE Fake … Continue reading

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Tuesday August 28, 2018

Mexico Trade Deal Accomplished  NAFTA to be undone Click Here for Story Jacksonville Shooter Was Leftist Gunman was a member of resistance and hated Trump supporters? Click Here for Story   Dem Lt. Gov. Candidate On U-M Payroll To Monitor … Continue reading

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Monday August 27, 2018

FBI Corruption Worse than you were told only 3000  of hundreds of thousands of Weiner’s laptop emails were looked at Click Here for Details Not a Video Game Video game tournament hit by mass shooting Click Here for Story and Video … Continue reading

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Sunday August 26, 2018

Do We Need Space Force? NASA says yes Click Here for Details and Video Public Radio Claims State Took School Money, But Funding Is Higher K-12 schools getting more money to educate fewer kids Arizona Loses US Senator John McCain dies … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show August 25, 2018

The Drift Radio Show August 25, 2018 Join hosts Gary Wellings and Ed Bonderenka as they discuss the Mueller probe, the Manafort verdict, the Cohen admission and other news of the week Click Here for Podcast  

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Saturday August 25, 2018

Hmmm Obama’s Former  CDC Director Arrested Arrested for sexual abuse ? Click Here for Story Would Residents Favor School Spending Hike If It Meant 21 Percent Income Tax Hike? Pollsters didn’t ask; a 62 percent cut to road repairs would … Continue reading

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Friday August 24, 2018

Yes, Please Do POTUS says he may have to force DOJ to turn over documents to Congress Click Here for Story Union Official Criticizes Corporate Handouts But Endorses Business Subsidy Champion Former GM employee and UAW official has favored giveaways … Continue reading

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