Monthly Archives: May 2017

Thursday June 1, 2017

Subpoenas All Around Congress hits both sides with subpoenas in Russian Collusion and Unmasking investigation Click Here for Story Pathetic Media Media and Internet crazed over Trump twitter typo Click Here for Details Leakers Are Traitors Clinton era CIA director calls … Continue reading

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Wednesday May 31, 2017

Left Goes Too Far CNN’s Kathy Griffin goes way too far with threat towards President Trump Click Here for Story Guess What’s Being Accomplished? While the Media promotes controversy the Wall is getting built Click Here for Story Top Legislative … Continue reading

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Tuesday May 30, 2017

Tillerson Rolls with Thunder Secretary of State rides with Rolling Thunder supporters Click Here for Story and Video Democratic Assault Texas State GOP Rep assaulted by Democratic colleagues Click Here for Details Tokyo John Shows his Stupidity  Calls Putin a … Continue reading

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Monday May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Remember those who gave their all for Country and our Culture The Stupidity of Merkel Chancellor who is killing her own country calls US unreliable Click Here for Details Pension Shortfall Since 2009 is Enough to Give Every … Continue reading

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Sunday May 28, 2017

Thank You Rex Secretary Tillerson says not to Ramadan dinner Click Here for Details Overseas Home Run Trump overseas trip a home run Click Here for Story Teacher Wears Pizza Uniform From Second Job To Protest Pay  Ann Arbor Public … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show May 27, 2017

The Drift Radio Show May 27, 2017 Join host Gary Wellings and Ed Bonderenka as they discuss investigations of Democrat Congressional IT workers, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s threatening of the DC police Chief to recover a laptop, the Seth Rich assassination, … Continue reading

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Saturday May 27, 2017

End of Tweets? White House shake up could end the spontaneous tweets of The President Click Here for Story No Longer a Country of Laws   Court ruling is based on the man not the law Click Here for Story … Continue reading

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Friday May 26, 2017

SCOTUS Fight AG Sessions will take Travel Ban hold to the Supreme Court Click Here for Story Why The Seth Rich “Investigation” Should Terrify Everyone   Ann Arbor: Sanctuary City ICE arrests 3 illegal restaurant workers Click Here for Details … Continue reading

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Thursday May 25, 2017

Brennan Testimony Meant Nothing Old news and nothing new Click Here for Story Did You Know? Post-Water Crisis, Fed and State Money Pours Into Flint   Since the water crisis was uncovered in 2015, state and federal dollars have been … Continue reading

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Wednesday May 24, 2017

Terror Threat Critical   Britain goes critical for threat levels Click Here for Story Brennan Can’t Be Trusted Former CIA Director is not worthy of the people’s trust nor is his testimony Click Here for Story and Video School District Spent … Continue reading

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