Monthly Archives: June 2022

The News YOU Need to Know Friday July 1, 2022 theDailyDrift.Com

Another Win for Americans SCOTUS rules against the EPA’s bureaucratic state Click Here for Story Heil Biden Joe Biden ready to go full fascist in the Democrats grab for power after SCOTUS decisions put limits on the Federal government he … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Thursday June 30, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Committee of Liars Committee members, and witnesses are now proving to be liars, there should be penalties for the lies put forth by these people Click Here for Details Secret Service Says Hutchison Lied Under Oath? Trump never assaulted Secret … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Wednesday June 29, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Biden’s Open Border Tragedy 50 dead illegal immigrants found in truck at the open southern border Click Here for Story Just Another Coincidental Government Death? Congressional Sergeant At Arms for the House on January 6th dies suddenly? Click Here for … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday June 28, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Victory for Prayer SCOTUS hands victory to Coach fired for praying at games Click Here for Story Lying Gretchen Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer just can’t stop lying about her job numbers Click Here for Details Pelosi Pushes a Child? Disgusting … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Monday June 27, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

From Heros to Zeros? The left turns anger on their former heroes Obama and Ginsburg? Click Here for Story The Long Shot? Democrats hope the abortion issue can save them in November Click Here for Details Michigan school training video … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Sunday June 26, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Fleeing Democrat Control Americans are fleeing Democrat run states and cities but have they learned their lesson to stop supporting idiotic Democrat policies and politicians? Click Here for Story Destroying Our Military Continued vaccine mandates are hurting our military readiness … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Saturday June 25, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Abortion Decision Goes Back to the States SCOTUS rules abortion is not a Constitutional issue nor a Constitutional right, it should be decided by each State and the people of those States Click Here for Story DEMOCRAT INSURRECTION Democrats go … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Friday June 24, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Huge Win for America’s 2nd Amendment SCOTUS says New York anti-gun law is un-Constitutional Click Here for Story A Win for Voter ID Laws SCOTUS says North Carolina legislature can defend voter ID laws Click Here for Story Rochester school … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Thursday June 23, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Government Waste in Medicare Mark Cuban’s new drug company exposes the incredible waste of the Federal government? Click Here for Story Republicans Cave Again The gutless GOP once again shows they are part of the Uni-Party elite Click Here for … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Wednesday June 22, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

A Win for Parents and School Choice SCOTUS rules in favor of allowing state funds for private (religious) schools Click Here for Details Governor Whitmer Is Woke Beyond Belief? Is this a war on women or just woke stupidity? Michigan … Continue reading

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