Monthly Archives: September 2020

The News You Need to Know Thursday October 1, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Taxing the Middle Class Joe Biden admits he’ll tax the middleclass during debate? Click Here for Details What Is Comey Hiding? Lack of candor from former FBI Director at hearing Click Here for Story Click Here for More Details Michigan’s … Continue reading

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Conservative News Wednesday September 30, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

The Debate Fiery debate but was there a clear winner? Click Here for Story Stay Close These Senators Need POTUS to get re-elected? Click Here for Story AG Dana Nessel Stall Tactic? Wants to investigate signatures on petition that would … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday September 29, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Another Tease or Something for Real? Senator Graham says there is something big yet to come in probe on the Russian Hoax investigation Click Here for Details Flint Started Online School Early, And 55% Of Students Showed Up The News … Continue reading

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Conservative News Monday September 28, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Joe Hiden Joe Biden won’t reveal his supreme court packing opinions or picks Click Here for Details 337 Hospitalized In Michigan With COVID-19 On Sept. 25; 3,357 Were Hospitalized on April 20 Liberal Violence BLM Acitivist charged with attempted murder … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Sunday September 27, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Biden the Jobs Killer C ould the Biden plan cost 3 million American jobs? Click Here for Story Barrett for SCOTUS? Amy Coney Barrett accepts the President’s nomination Click Here for Details Health Officials Say Don’t Play Contact Sports; Whitmer … Continue reading

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Conservative News Saturday September 26, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

POTUS Was Right Again Newly released FBI Texts show more corruption and attempt to hurt the Trump Administration Click Here for Details Appeasement Doesn’t Work Senator Collins finds that agreeing with Democrats doesn’t buy her votes Click Here for Story … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Friday September 25, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Durham Investigation Broader Than Thought? FBI handling of Clinton case also part of the investigation ? Click Here for Details Candy Bad? Man dies after eating too much licorice? Click Here for Story Michigan Unions Back In Court To Keep … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Thursday September 24, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Oh No for Joe Senate Intel release scathing report on Biden and questionable dealings while VP Click Here for Story Pelosi Hates Us Speaker bashes Catholic Trump supporter Click Here for Details All In for Mushrooms? Ann Arbor City Council … Continue reading

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Conservative News Wednesday September 23, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Why Are Democrats Holding Stimulus Hostage? Playing politics with the Covid stimulus package is disturbing Click Here for Details Those Who Do Not Learn from History… Years of bad economic development deals haven’t prevented politicians from trying againRead more Senate … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday September 22, 2020 TheDailyDrift.Com

Anarchist Jurisdictions Cities allowing violent riots get new designation from Justice Dept Click Here for Story What Ruth Said… Forget the alleged last wish of Justice Ginsburg listen to what she said about the Democrats packing the Supreme Court Click … Continue reading

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