Monthly Archives: March 2021

The News YOU Need to Know Thursday April 1, 2021

Another Mask Mandate Overturned? Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down mask mandate Click Here for Details The End of Capitalism? Biden’s USA set to tax corporations higher than communist China? Click Here for Story Underfunded? Detroit, Benton Harbor, Flint Schools Got … Continue reading

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The news YOU Need to Know Wednesday March 31, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Feds Aren’t Following Science? An open Texas seems to refute what Biden and the CDC is pushing Click Here for Story Stopping the Nonsense Florida’s Governor isn’t buying the vaccination passport idea Click Here for Story Michigan Has More Teachers … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday March 30, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Stop Hiding the Border Crisis Senator Cruz tells Biden Admin to stop hiding and allow media in to see the Border Crisis first hand Click Here for Story State’s Private Sector Workers Lost Income In 2020; Public Sector, Not So … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Monday March 29, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Media and Democrats Lied Again About Boulder Shooting It wasn’t an angry white guy and now police reveal it wasn’t an “Assault Rifle” that was used Click Here for Details Filibuster Decision Moderate Manchin could decide whether America has a … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Sunday March 28, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Free Speech vs “Woke Culture” Professor wins in appeals court over “preferred pronoun” issue Click Here for Story Vote Wars Dems and GOP begin the war on voting process in Georgia Click Here for Details High School Prom Planners Await … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Saturday March 27, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Totally Scripted From journalist questions to Biden’s answers this is not looking like a real Presidential press conference Click Here for Story And Here for More Info BIDEN BORDER CRISIS 6000 apprehended at border on Thursday alone Click Here for … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Friday March 26, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Just Plain Embarrassing Biden’s 1st press conference was obviously scripted and still went off the rails Click Here for Story Poor Choice Kamala Harris is not qualified to handle the border crisis Click Here for Details Missing in Action Where … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Thursday March 25, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Disgraceful “Nonprofits” Making money and getting wealthy on the Border Crisis Click Here for Story And Another Huge FBI Failure… Leads to a mass shooting Click Here for Details Work-From-Home Challenges City Income Tax Reach Stay-at-home orders meant fewer workers … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Wednesday March 24, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Boulder Shooting Suspect Identified Act of Terrorism? Click Here for Story Why Is this Funny Madam Vice President? Kamala Harris laughs off question about border crisis Click Here for Story Your Federal Government IS Corrupt FBI and DHS looking to … Continue reading

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The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday March 23, 2021 TheDailyDrift.Com

Illegals Get Covid Stimulus Biden and Democrat giving Illegal Immigrants stimulus money while many Americans get nothing Click Here for Story Celebrate Sunshine Week By Suing A Government Open Records Act Scofflaw Mackinac Center did; its new suit joins seven … Continue reading

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