Monthly Archives: December 2016

The Drift Radio Show December 31, 2016

The Drift Radio Show December 31, 2016 Join host Gary Wellings and Ed Bonderenka on the New Years Eve show as they discuss plastic bag bans, Obama’s efforts to stoke a cold war with Russia before he leaves office and … Continue reading

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Saturday December 31, 2016

Happy New Year’s Eve! Catch the Drift Radio Show’s New Year’s Eve edition at 2pm on WAAM Talk 1600 or live on the web at call in line 734-822-1600 to discuss news of the week! Russian Hacking is Nonsense? … Continue reading

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Friday December 30, 2016

The Wrist Slap Obama closes two Russian recreational facilities and bans 35 personnel Click Here for Story Mocking Obama Russians learn from Trump and troll Lame Duck Obama? Click Here for Details Banning the Bag Ban Michigan bans local governments from … Continue reading

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Thursday December 29, 2016

Kerry Blasts Israel Touts the unrealistic Obama solution that won’t heal the MiddleEast Click Here for Story Netanyahu’s Response  Israeli PM lashes out at Kerry and Obama Admin Click Here for Details You’ve Got to Be Kidding? Big majority of … Continue reading

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Wednesday December 28, 2016

How Much Was Obama Involved? Israel says Obama orchestrated the UN vote against Israel Click Here for Details Teachers Union Membership Down 20 Percent, But Executive’s Pay up $61,000   Rick Trainor of the Michigan Education Association has seen his … Continue reading

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Tuesday December 27, 2016

Trumps Thoughts on UN  Just a fun club Click Here for Story Detroit Schools Implosion Stumps Parents – And City Makes It Worse A New York magazine reported that a family’s choice when their Detroit Public School closed was two … Continue reading

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Monday December 26, 2016

What Ev! Josh Earnest still says Obama Admin is transparent? Click Here for Details Can Lions Clinch Playoff Spot? Playing at Dallas won’t be easy Click Here for Story Defund the UN  Senator Cruz says its time to defund the … Continue reading

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Sunday December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas Everyone! Tracking Santa Have NORAD track Santa around the globe Click Here for Details A More Effective President Trump seems to have more power as President Elect than Obama as President Click Here for Story Time To Fix … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show December 24, 2016

The Drift Radio Show December 24, 2016 Join Host Gary Wellings and guests Pat Tavolacci and Joe Vollmer as they discuss the Berlin attack, Europe’s Islamic problem, Immigration and its effects on jobs, Fakenews, Social Media, the US education system … Continue reading

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Saturday December 23, 2016

Christmas Eve! Catch The Drift Radio Show Saturday at Obama Throws Israel Under the Bus   Allows UN Security Council to pass resolution condemning Israel Click Here for Details Berlin Attacker Killed Shootout in Milan Italy Click Here for … Continue reading

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