Monthly Archives: March 2018

The Drift Radio Show March 31, 2018

The Drift Radio Show March 31, 2018 Join hosts Gary Wellings and Ed Bonderenka as the discuss, California sanctuary policies and recent opposition from California Sheriffs, immigration, the Omnibus spending bill and how funding for Planned Parenthood is NOT in … Continue reading

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Saturday March 31, 2018

Catch The Drift Radio Show at 1pm on WAAM Talk 1600 or live on the web at call in line 734-822-1600 to discuss news of the week!  GOP Better Get Cracking 2018 could go wrong if the GOP doesn’t … Continue reading

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Friday March 30, 2018

Another Tax Reform Benefit  McDonald’s expanding tuition program because of tax reforms Click Here for Story Union Files Federal Complaint Against Company For Giving Its Members Raises   In one Michigan county, a union filed a federal complaint to stop … Continue reading

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Thursday March 29, 2018

Sessions Stepping Up?  Reports that AG Sessions is tired of FBI slow walk of requested Congressional subpoenas Click Here for Details Shop and Deliver! Kroger stores can now shop for you and deliver groceries Click Here for Details Bipartisanship on … Continue reading

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Wednesday March 28, 2018

California Against America California sues Feds over citizenship question on Census forms Click Here for Details Who Is Listening To YOU? IS Facebook and other apps listening to you through your phone or tablet? Click Here for Story Shampooing Hair … Continue reading

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Tuesday March 27, 2018

Republicans Blocking Trump Nominees? Why are they making it harder to confirm? Click Here for Story A Look At The State Budget for Business Subsidies  Gov. Rick Snyder moved from being a skeptic of business subsidies to a supporter over … Continue reading

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Monday March 26, 2018

Not So Fast…. Blue wave in November 2018 is no sure thing Click Here for Story Nothing to Worry About…? Is the Omnibus controllable by POTUS? Click Here for Details Average Teacher Pay Doesn’t Support Liberal Site’s Narrative? Use It … Continue reading

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Sunday March 25, 2018

The Long Slow Collapse  Mueller’s collusion investigation is dissolving Click Here for Details Brainwashed Children being used to tear down the 2nd Amendment? Click Here for Story Four Years After Its Debunking, Union Still Promotes ‘Snyder Cut Schools’ Myth  The … Continue reading

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The Drift Radio Show March 24, 2018

The Drift Radio Show March 24, 2018 Join host Gary Wellings and Ed Bonderenka as they discuss the Omnibus spending bill and news of the week Click Here for Podcast

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Saturday March 24, 2018

Join The Drift Radio Show at 1pm EST on WAAM Talk 1600 or live on the web at call in line 734-822-1600 to discuss news of the week! Begrudgingly Signed POTUS not happy with having to sign Omnibus spending … Continue reading

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