Monthly Archives: October 2019

Friday November 1, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Michigan’s  Congressional Democrats Vote for Official Impeachment Inquiry Freshman Congresswomen Haley Stevens , Rashida Tlaib and Elissa Slotkin prove they can’t work with Republicans Click Here for Story and  Click Here for Details The House Impeachment Resolution Isn’t Transparent Democrat … Continue reading

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Thursday October 31, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Democrats Coaching Witnesses Impeachment investigation is a complete farce Click Here for Details Large Hospitals Want State Monopoly On New Cancer Treatment And a state commission will give it to them unless legislature acts Court Strikes Down AR-15 Ban Pittsburgh … Continue reading

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Wednesday October 30, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Leaking Dems Wanted to Know About al-Baghdadi Action Why? So they could court failure for US forces? Click Here for Details This IS Socialism    Socialists Rep Rashida Tlaib and Sen Bernie Sanders extol socialist policies oddly enough in front … Continue reading

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Tuesday October 29, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Dumbest Thought Ever? Susan Rice thinks POTUS should have talked to Obama before giving orders to go after Al-Baghdadi? Click Here for Details Federal Appeals Court Doesn’t Buy U-M’s Story On Speech-Chilling Bias Response Team  Orders district court to reconsider … Continue reading

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Monday October 28, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Resignation Rep Katie Hill resigns over photo and actions while a Congressperson Click Here for Story Rep John Conyers Dies Former Michigan Congressman dead at 90 Click Here for Details Stop the Transition Judge stops child from being forcibly transgendered … Continue reading

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Sunday October 27, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

  Got Their Man US Special Forces kill ISIS chief al-Baghdadi Click Here for Details Big Win Michigan dominates Notre Dame Click Here for Story No Confidence Chicago police don’t back their Superintendent Click Here for Details Getting on Board? … Continue reading

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Saturday October 26, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Finally Justice Dept. opens criminal investigation into how the Russian Collusion hoax started Click Here for Details The Soros Candidate Anti-American George Soros backs Elizabeth Warren for President? Click Here for Story Detroit School District Enrollment Up For First Time … Continue reading

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Friday October 25, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Where Is The Senate Will they stand up against the Democrats improper coup? Click Here for Story State Taxpayers Giving Company $7 Million To Move 21 Miles Insurance firm gets to keep income tax its employees payNBA LeBron the Anti-American … Continue reading

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Thursday October 24, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

The Bureaucratic Swamp The permanent Bureaucrat and Political class is destroying America Click Here for Story Permanent Ceasefire in Syria? Turkey agrees to full ceasefire? Click Here for Details  And the President Tells Why America shouldn’t be there now Click … Continue reading

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Wednesday October 23, 2019 TheDailyDrift.Com

Trump Base Expands Democrats getting desperate to find way to combat Trump popularity Click Here for Story Legacy Media, Journalism Prof Question Mystery News Site  NY Times mischaracterizes CapCon article referenced by site Transgendering Is Ruining Women’s Sports Men identifying … Continue reading

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