The News YOU Need to Know Friday May 10, 2024 TheDailyDrift.Com

Democrats Vote to Give ILLEGAL Migrants Representation in the US House of Representatives

Once again Democrats are pushing for the replacement of US citizens with new uneducated migrants to use as a voting base and retain power Click Here for Details

Shakedowns Are Supported By Corrupt Courts

Stormy Daniels is just another in a long list of scam artists trying to make a buck off the Democrat hate of Donald Trump Click Here for Story

What Cars Are Most Often Stolen?

The new list has changed quite a bit Click Here for Details

Biggest Threat to Democracy? Its Biden…

New polling shows Americans believe the biggest threat to US Democracy is Joe Biden and his Administration not Donald Trump Click Here for Details

Can Jordan Get Wade to Testify?

House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan wants Nathan Wade to testify to Congress about Fani WIllis and her phony trial against Trump Click Here for Details

Organized Campus Chaos

Who is behind the sudden pro-terrorist protests on US college campus? Click Here for Details And Here for More Info

Only Citizens Should Vote

GOP led House passes bill to ensure only American citizens are counted toward representation in Congress Click Here for Details

Boy Scouts Finish Going Woke?

After years of conflict over transgendering, LGBTQ and whether girls could join Boy Scouts the 114 year old institution has finally changed its name and removed “Boy” Click Here for Story

The IRS Has Plenty of Time, Budget and Personnel…

And they’ll be coming after their political enemies Click Here for Details

Negotiating With Wolves

Why do Western Leaders continually look to appeasement in negotiating with the “wolves” of the world? Click Here for Story

Stop Selling Our Land to Our Enemies

China is buying land up in the US and it should not be allowed Click Here for Details

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