The News YOU Need to Know Friday September 30, 2022 TheDailyDrift.Com

Michigan Election Fraud

Election worker charged Click Here for Story

CIA Incompetence?

Is poor performance at the CIA getting assets killed? Click Here for Details

Michigan Rep. Lawrence leads Congress in proxy votes

Lawrence has nearly 3X the proxy votes of any other Michigan representative in CongressRead more

Exposing the Hypocrisy

Russell Brand shows the liberals as the hypocrites they are Click Here for Story

Canada, at last, ends vaccine mandate for American travelers

Vaccine status should not affect the movement of people and goods between Michigan and a major trading partnerRead more

Wishing We Still Had A Strategic Oil Supply?

Emergency oil might be needed now with a hurricane disaster too bad Joe Biden drained it Click Here for Story

Federal Big Tech Collusion

DHS worked too censor social media Click Here for Details

Targeting Children?

Are drug cartels targeting children with fentanyl Click Here for Story

Lawless DC

The country’s political epicenter will allow non citizens to vote? Click Here for Story

Federal Bureau of Intimidation

Maybe the FBI should just change its name Click Here for Details

Manchin May Pay the Price

Will West Virginia stop supporting Senator Manchin after he became a liberal hack? Click Here for Story

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