The News YOU Need to Know Monday December 4, 2023 TheDailyDrift.Com

No Science Behind The False Fossil Fuel Narrative

President of the COP28 Summit says there is no facts to push the world to stop using fossil fuels Click Here for Details

Shoring Up the Base of Democrat Voters

Democrat Governor Whitmer signs bill to allow convicted felons and teenagers to register to vote? Click Here for Story

The Climate Grift

American tax dollars go overseas to convince developing countries to not use coal. But they use it anyway (and rightfully so). So what is the scam about sending the money? Click Here for Details

The Corrupt January 6th Committee

Why did the biased and politicized January 6th committee destroy evidential video tapes? Click Here for Story

Elon Is Right…

Journalism today is mostly propaganda shaped by political entities and their corporate political donors Click Here for Story

Selective Expelling

The House expels one alleged criminal but leaves the rest in place Click Here for Story

Replacing America

Biden’s open borders is finishing off the job of destroying 200+ years of American culture Click Here for Story

Kiss of Death?

Liberal writer likes Nikki Haley. That’s more than enough warning to not support Haley as the Republican Presidential nominee Click Here for Details

Dictatorship in South America to Grow Even Larger

Biden and US Big Tech are supporting Venezuela’s invasion and takeover of neighboring Guyana. Just like Russia and China are? Click Here for Story

Gutfeld Going Rogue?

Will Fox News’ popular host and pundit get the ax from Fox for speaking the truth about his employer? Click Here for Story

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