The News YOU Need to Know Monday February 12, 2024 TheDailyDrift.Com

You Can’t Have It Both Ways…

If Biden is not fit to stand trial he certainly isn’t fit to be President Click Here for Story

What Are NGOs and Our Government Hiding?

Even Congressman are being kept from what is going on at illegal migrant center Click Here for Story

Bad Beef Business

Democrat policies are hurting the cattle and beef business in America as bad or worse than the oil business…and its going to affect American’s pocketbooks Click Here for Details

From the Science Side…

Odd bonding to save a bird species Click Here for Details

Democrats Have Politicized Every Federal Department

And are using them to target their political opponents Click Here for Story

What Will Biden Do to Buy Muslim Votes?

Biden Admin official admits they’re about to make some moves that will anger Congress and the American people concerning Middle East policy Click Here for Details

More Ties Between the UN and Hamas?

Hamas tunnels discovered under UN offices in Gaza? Click Here for Story

Primary Them Out…

Mitch McConnell freezes at a news conference.

Clean up the Republican party by primarying out the uni-party elites Click Here for Details

Airline Safety At Risk?

Is DEI making the airline industry less safe? Click Here for Story

Cartels Targeting Native Americans

Drug cartels are targeting Indian reservations for their drug activity and the Federal government seems to be ignoring it like everything else related to the open border ? Click Here for Story

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