The News YOU Need to Know Saturday December 30, 2023 TheDailyDrift.Com

The Lying Media

Mainstream media spent all of 2023 trying to tell you the Biden Economy was great. We all know its terrible Click Here for Story

What Other States Will Go Full Anti-Constitution?

Trying to remove the people’s choice from the ballot is disgustingly un-American Click Here for Story

Its Flat Out Treason…

Biden Admin threatens Texas for trying to protect its border and citizens since the Federal government refuses to Click Here for Story

EVs Now Only Benefit China?

China has won the race for EV and battery by solidifying raw materials and supply chains Click Here for Story

Henry Ford museum, hospital win big in 2024 Michigan budget

Museum campus is already well-funded, without taxpayer aid

Could the House Deny States That Their Electors Will Be Counted?

GOP rep Massie warns states refusing to put the Republican nominee (Trump) on their state ballots could face a huge problem Click Here for Story

Michigan paid $245M to the dead, jailed and ineligible

Audit: People under 16 or over 80 got $177 million in payments Read more

5 Election Problems for Democrats?

2024 could have some surprises for the Democrat election possibilities Click Here for Details

Are You Understanding Yet?

Egyptian journalist found dead after exposing luxury property bought by Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Click Here for Story

Biden’s Police State

The Federal government is using Air Marshalls not to protect you and airline flights but to track journalists and political opposition Click Here for Story

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