The News YOU Need to Know Sunday December 3, 2023 TheDailyDrift.Com

Call It Karma

Climate Grifting global elite get a heavy dose of Karma Click Here for Story

The problem with pork

Michigan lawmakers grant $1B in earmarks annually

Bad News for Biden

Michigan Muslims turning on Biden Click Here for Story

Another FBI Informant?

Yes and this one tried to kill wrongly convicted ex-police officer Derek Chauvin Click Here for Details

Who Could Be Trump’s VP

Hopefully not another deep state elitist like Pence Click Here for Story

Tuberville IS A Hero

Fixing our military by stopping woke DEI madness needs to be done Click Here for Story

Our DOJ Is Lawless

DOJ fines a trucking company for checking that applicants are in the country legally Click Here for Story

Ok Its Pretty Funny

The new Tesla Cyber Truck is faster than a Porsche? (while towing a Porsche!?) Click Here for Story

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