The News YOU Need to Know Sunday December 31, 2023 TheDailyDrift.Com

Tearing the US Apart

Corrupt attempts to remove Trump from State ballots is pushing the United States ever closer to its end Click Here for Story

Every City is Now A Border City

Even northern blue State “Sanctuary” cities are now being overwhelmed like southern border towns because of Joe Biden’s open border Click Here for Story

Top 10 CapCon stories for 2023

Tales of government activism gone wrong

Disrespecting Congress

Biden Admin side steps Congress to sell weapons abroad Click Here for Story

Biden Vacations While the Country Is Being Destroyed

Biden goes to the Virgin Islands while the border is flooded with illegals Click Here for Story

Impeach Bellows

Unilaterally removing candidates from Ballots should be a crime Click Here for Story

Another Swatting

Liberal (but honest) lawyer gets swatted for not following the Democrat agenda Click Here for Story

Terror Watch in France

France puts out warnings and 90,000 cops for New Years Click Here for Story

Georgia Election Fraud…

There never was an audit as claimed by Raffensperger Click Here for Story

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