The News YOU Need to Know Sunday May 19, 2024 TheDailyDrift.Com

Arizona A Police State

Corrupt government in Arizona make Joseph Stalin proud as they attack Rudy Giuliani at his birthday party Click Here for Story

China Is Already At War

US is already under cyber attacks from China on a constant basis Click Here for Story

DEI Puts the Worst of Humanity in Power

DEI placed executive steals millions and after being fired doe it again? Click Here for Story

The August Surprise?

Would Democrats dare to get rid of Joe Biden at the August Democrat Convention? Click Here for Details

Open Borders Bring Disease

With millions of unvetted illegal migrants pouring into the country disease are spiking in the US Click Here for Story

Unpopular Joe

Biden insists on no audience at Presidential debate, can you guess the reasons why? Click Here for Details

Michigan Democrats Playing Petition Signature Games Again

Once again Democrats are trying to keep voters from having choices in the 2024 election Click Here for Details

Jack Smith’s Case Is Unraveling?

Jack Smith has one option to push back ...

More problems for Special Counsel Jask Smith’s phony case against Trump Click Here for Story

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