The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday April 2, 2024 TheDailyDrift.Com

Consequences of Minimum Wage

Why are Self-Order Kiosks on a Roll in ...

Californians are seeing hours cut and jobs lost as a new inflated minimum wage takes affect. Once again politicians screwed their constituents. Click Here for Story

Hey Michigan You Can Thank Biden for This…

Oakland County sheriff: 'Transnational gangs' are stealing from mansions

Illegal crime gang is breaking into high end homes in Oakland and other Michigan counties Click Here for Story

Corrupt Judge Sides With Illegals

Judge releases illegals who assaulted National Guard at the border Click Here for Details

Whatever became of Michigan’s population council?

Legislators couldn’t follow report’s recommendations even if they wanted to

Another EV Problem

Electric vehicle explodes inside owner's garage after residents are forced to evacuate at 6 a.m.

Elevtric vehicle explodes inside garage Click Here for Story

Flipping the Senate?

Can Republicans take back control of the US Senate? Click Here for Details

Democrat Projection

Everything the Democrats accuse Trump and Republicans of doing they themselves are doing Click Here for Story

Your Government is Unaccountable to YOU the Taxpayer

Why are so many Federal departments refusing to turnover information to the public? Click Here for Details

A Win for Fairer Elections in Pennsylvania?

Ballots must have dates and signatures? Click Here for Story

Trouble in Turkey

From democrat to autocrat. The story of Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan : NPR

President Erdogan seems to have suffered a major political defeat in Turkey Click Here for Details

Liberalism Is A Disease

And a large number of young, single, American women seem to have it? Click Here for Story

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