The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday March 26, 2024 TheDailyDrift.Com

The Next Black Hole For Your Tax Dollars

As Americans begin to realize that sending money to Ukraine is a basic money laundering business Kamala Harris looks to make Guatemala the next offshore account to send your tax dollars to instead of securing the border Click Here for Story

Farmers Score a Win Against the Climate Scam Elitists

“Nature Law” which would destroy farming industry gets shelved amid backlash and protests Click Here for Story

Democrats Vote to Support Flying in Illegals

Senate Democrats would not vote to stop using your tax dollars to fly illegal aliens into the US, they need new voters Click Here for Story

Biden Throws Israel Under the Bus

US abstains in UN vote and fails to stop a cease fire resolution in Gaza undermining Israel’s attempt to destroy Hamas terrorists Click Here for Story

A Partial Victory for Trump in New York

Appeals Court reduces bond amount Trump must post to appeal the outrageous case brought by Engoron and James and gets more time to post it Click Here for Story

Billionaires Support Criminals

Jeff Bezos’ wife gives millions to groups that promote violence and lawlessness? Click Here for Story

The Zuckerbuck Problem

Corrupt Milwaukee takes more than a million dollars from biased Zuckerberg supported group before vote to ban it Click Here for Story

Threats During the Solar Eclipse?

Some National Guard troops are being deployed during the solar eclipse event on April 8th Click Here for Story

The Threat of Illegals Is Being Strengthened By Democrats

Allowing illegals to stay, receive benefits and now carry guns is an extreme danger to American citizens Click Here for Details

Netanyahu Cancels Visit to DC

Is the US breaking its commitment to Israel? Click Here for Story

January 6th Pipe Bomb Scam?

Was it the government’s Plan B if the planned protest at Capitol didn’t work like they wanted? Click Here for Story

Widening War in Eastern Europe?

Why are Romanian soldiers dying in Russian territory? Click Here for Details

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