The News YOU Need to Know Tuesday November 28, 2023 TheDailyDrift.Com

Donors Return to Trump

Top GOP donors know who the real candidate is Click Here for Story

Maryland’s Lawless Police?

Blue state cops are enforcing an un-Constitutional law Click Here for Details

Buy Our Junk…Or Else

Pfizer and BioNTech to Seek FDA ...

Pfizer files lawsuit against Poland for not buying more of their useless vaccines Click Here for Details

Two Detroit museums net $4M each in state budget

Detroit museums awarded money from the state budget two years in a row

Insanity in Ireland

Conor McGregor - Wikipedia

When speaking up against stabbings of children becomes a hate crime. Irish police show complete hypocrisy Click Here for Story

Democrats Hate America

And it shows Click Here for Details

Shots Fired

US ships come under fire again from Yemen Click Here for Details

The Left IS Scared

Donald Trump would gut Joe Biden's ...

They’ve done everything to destroy the west and the US is this why they are scared of Trump getting back into power and exposing them? Click Here for Story

Northern Exposure

The US northern border is as exposed as our southern border? Click Here for Details

CDC and FBI Are Corrupted?

Why wouldn’t the FBI and CDC investigate a Chinese biolab on American soil? Click Here for Story

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