Committee of Liars
Committee members, and witnesses are now proving to be liars, there should be penalties for the lies put forth by these people Click Here for Details
Secret Service Says Hutchison Lied Under Oath?
Trump never assaulted Secret Service members and they will testify to that Click Here for Details
US Army Suffers from Its Own Woke Stupidity
Woke stupidity has scared so many enlistee eligible away from recruitment that the US Army has removed High School graduation as a condition Click Here for Story
Hillsdale mayor calls for the end of rounding-up program for utility bills
Fox News Falls for the Lies Against Trump
Another disaster as Fox News falls prey to the now proven lies against Trump from latest January 6th scam committee Click Here for Story
Michigan tips scales in favor of electric cars
Incredible transition continues at dealerships, gas stations Read more
Yet Another Granholm Disaster
She was a disaster as Governor of Michigan and now as Biden’s Energy Secretary she just violated the “Hatch Act” for bad ethics Click Here for Story
Even Mexico Knows
President of Mexico say the US southern border is out of control Click Here for Details
20 Not Enough?
Epstein’s madame, Ghislane Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison will she survive? Click Here for Story
White House refuses to take responsibility for the open border disaster and the deaths at the border Click Here for Story
Would Hillary really waste America’s time again? Probably what else do the Democrats have? Click Here for Details
Why Are We Protecting Europe Again?
After two world wars you’d think Europe would have learned to protect themselves Click Here for Story
Killing Cattle
Why is America’s food infrastructure being decimated ? Click Here for Details
Stagflation Cometh
Economic indicators are all looking bad Click Here for Details
Facebook Partially Responsible?
Are dead illegal immigrants at the border partly because facebook supports human trafficking posts? Click Here for Story
Biden Lied About Hunter?
Joe Biden knew about his son’s nefarious business dealings so why did he lie? Click Here for Details