The News YOU Need to Know Thursday March 28, 2024 TheDailyDrift.Com

Yea, Those Solar Panels Are A Great Idea!

14,000 panel solar farm, destroyed in a ...

Texas solar panel farm destroyed by hail storm and now leaking chemicals into the soil Click Here for Details

Murder of An American by Illegal

woman murdered by illegal alien deported under Trum but snuck back in under Biden Click Here for Details And Here for More Info

And Another Drop Out From Congress

This time its a Centrist Democrat leaving Click Here for Story

Pandemic response drove increase in government assistance in Michigan

One-third of the state is on government assistance. COVID-19 response was the dividing line

The Truth Is Insulting?

Press Secretary KJP hangs up on interview when asked about Joe Biden’s obvious dementia Click Here for Story

Six charts to change your mind about Michigan

Our state’s competitiveness ranges from poor to middling Read more

Don’t Blame MTG?

Blame the cowardly and corrupt Republicans who are leaving office early and not fulfilling their oaths if the Demcorats regain control of the House Click Here for Details

Barry Is Scared?

President Joe Biden (L) and former U.S. President Barack Obama (R) embrace on stage during

Barack Obama seems upset that Trump is making a comeback. Is he worried his crimes will be revealed this time? Click Here for Story

Biden’s Don’t Pay Their Taxes

Hunter Biden, Washington, D.C., Feb. 28, 2024

Hunter Biden attorneys ask for judges to drop case against him Click Here for Details

Bad Fuel on the Dali Container Ship?

IS contaminated fuel supply a possibility for the power outage on the ship that struck the Key Bridge in Baltimore? Click Here for Story

When Your Government Wants to Ban The Truth

Why in the world would stopping hurt feelings be more important than the truth or the Constitution? Click Here for Story

Terrorist Cowards

IDF says more than 1000 Hamas terrorists are hiding out in hospital. Are they using patients and innocents as shields again? Click Here for Details

Founded on Christianity

Pagan America

A country with no morals cannot last long. America use to have morals and good values and it helped our success but as America turns to paganism our success dwindles Click Here for Story

America in Decline?

A country with no morals cannot last long. America use to have morals and good values and it helped our success but as America turns to paganism our success dwindles Click Here for Story

Could JD Vance Be VP?

Ohio’s Jr Senator might have the right moxie for the job as Trump’s 2nd Click Here for Story

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